
Thursday, July 30, 2015

Definition of Coaching

coaching definition

This definition from Vern Gambetta, one of the pre-eminent conditioning coaches out there.

I first saw Vern at a free football conditioning clinic he was doing at a physical therapy office in St. Petersburg, FL back in 1990, I believe. I stopped by there only because Dwight Gooden was signing autographs and my son not only loved Dwight Gooden, but was developing into a young pitcher. I figured I would stick around for the info. since it was free.

Gambetta was there talking about football conditioning generally and mentioned using medicine balls specifically to condition the throwing arms of QB's He said they would be useful for any throwing athletes. I wasn't sure if he meant just track athletes like shot-putters and javelin throwers since his book, co-authored with Steve Odgers ( I still have it), was geared along those lines, so I asked if it would be useful for baseball pitchers and he said "Absolutely, any throwers".

From that point it was Game On!! At the time, we people used to look at us like we had three heads tossing these balls hither and yon, but they worked pretty well. Now, they are de rigueur.

So many thanks to Mr. Gambetta, 25 years later,  for getting me started and pointed in the right direction as far as strength and conditioning and athletic development goes.  

from Vern Gambetta's blog:


Coaching is a process with a foundation in pedagogy, supported by science, forged in experience, proven & tested in the competitive arena. Lest we forget coaching is not about training, technique, tactics and strategy, it is about people. We are not coaching numbers in an algorithm; we are coaching human beings who are individuals with emotions and feeling. The coaches who make a difference are coaches who focus on the process not the outcomes. Coaching is not something you do; it is something you are with every fiber of your being. Invest in the process and take time to enjoy the journey.

About Vernon Gambetta

Vern is currently is the Director of Gambetta Sports Training Systems. He has been the a conditioning coach for several teams in Major League Soccer as well as the conditioning consultant to the US Men's World Cup Soccer team. Vern is the former Director of Conditioning for the Chicago White Sox and Director of Athletic Development for the New York Mets. Vern is recognized internationally as an expert in training and conditioning for sport having worked with world class athletes and teams in a wide variety of sports. He is a popular speaker and writer on conditioning topics having lectured and conducted clinics in Canada, Japan, Australia and Europe. Vern's coaching experience spans 39 years at all levels of competition.
Vern has authored six books and over one hundred articles related to coaching and sport performance in a variety of sports. He received his BA from Fresno State University and his teaching credential with a coaching minor from University of California Santa Barbara. Vern obtained his MA in Education with an emphasis in physical education from Stanford University.

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