You just can't make this stuff up. Every day these two mental midgets go on air and act as if they are the final-word, the moral compass of the nation, especially regarding sports stories.
Little Danny Pugh asks Keith Olber-douche his opinion regarding the recently published ESPN/ABC News poll and whether it indicates the racial divide that it seemingly does to most people with a brain.
And the Douche Who Would Save the Democracy dismisses the results by saying in effect "Well, were these sports fans who were polled? Because otherwise the results are meaningless to me". Hey stupid, get a clue or buy a dog and name him Clue then maybe you'll have one.
Do you honestly think the pollsters didn't think of that little detail? You obviously didn't read the story you were commenting on. Much like the Chuck Wagon opining on a story/subject of which he had little to zero knowledge about.
How do these guys continue employment with ESPN? They really need to stop polluting the airwaves with this continued below-mediocre level of research and knowledge.
Here's a limited description of the poll methodology and it clearly indicates they sampled baseball fans, they didn't just stand on a corner in front of the Museum of Art and Science and sample people who were unlikely to have any knowledge of the subject/questions. And even if they did, one of the responses is usually No Opinion/ Don't Know, which explains why the results don't total 100%.
The ESPN/ABC News poll was conducted by telephone March 29-April 22, 2007, among a random national sample of 799 adult baseball fans, including an oversample of 203 African-Americans. The results have a 3.5-point error margin among all respondents, seven points among blacks.
Maybe these two ass-clowns and the Chuck Wagon should, when the subject matter is clearly over their head, have the guts to say No Opinion, No Comment or better yet, Not Knowledgeable Enough about the Subject Matter at hand.
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