Watching the USA - Belgium match, I was reminded of the story that hit my mailbox July 1st courtesy of FCA featuring Tim Howard ( and shown below ). First, this is an amazing back story regarding his struggle with Tourette Syndrome and how he was able to overcome it and rise to the level he has. Pretty remarkable. Second, the title of the story Peace in the Midst of Chaos was very prophetic given his performance yesterday on the field.
from Yahoo Sports:
Tim Howard's masterful night | Watch the video - Yahoo Sports:
The U.S. Men's National Team goalkeeper did something no player has ever done for the Americans in the World Cup.'via Blog this'
An amazing night for American soccer, in spite of the result, they will not only have to figure out how to replace the strength provided by Tim Howard, but figure out why he was put in the place of having to make a record number of save in the first place.
With the USA and my next favorite Italy out of the competition, it will be hard to maintain my attention, but like the Olympics, the World Cup is a magnet to me for a sport that I would generally have zero interest in except every four years. It's just so hard to get excited about backing the Germans, the French or the Dutch. I actually thought that Belgium was the Dutch -- my wife had to correct me -- which shows my lack of knowledge for most things international. Hockey is about as international as I get as far as sports go.
It must be the great pride and passion that these athletes display not just for their team or their sport but for their nation and fellow countrymen that draws my attention every four years. Some are turned off by this overt nationalism, but I find it to be kind of cool. Very inspiring. It give me goose bumps at times, which is good. Maybe if I had to deal with it every day I would be soccer fan, but every four years is OK.
One final example that, if nothing else does, proves the magic that the World Cup brings:
- I agree 100% with Keith Olbermann in his analysis. I can't believe I said that out loud, except that it sounds more like he's coming around to my way of thinking than vice versa.
So anyway, bye-bye World Cup. See you in another four years.
Bye-bye soccer, see you in another four years.
Bye-bye Keith ( "Bed-Wetter" ), probably won't agree with you for another four years. How did he nail that?
Tuesday, July 1st, 2014
Having spent the first ten years of my life with an undiagnosed case of Tourette Syndrome—a neurological disordercharacterized by uncontrollable physical and verbal tics—I did not experience a lot of peace. Yet even though my life often felt chaotic, I knew I could always count on one person to provide calm and stability—my grandmother.
Nana’s sense of peace was powerful because it came from her faith in the Lord. Through her, God revealed His love for me as well. It wasn’t long before I followed in her footsteps. I wanted the same kind of faith and peace she had, and that is exactly what God gave me.Living with Tourette’s is not easy, but God has blessed me with the gift of athleticism and has done some powerful things in my life through the combination of these two gifts. He has helped me in my long-term success as a professional soccer player in the EnglishPremier League and U.S. National Team; and He also has shown me ways to use my position as a professional athlete to encourage others with Tourette Syndrome.
Today, I am blessed to be living my dream. Yet, if my soccer career went away tomorrow, I know I would still have peace. That probably sounds crazy to most people, but that’s the kind of peace Christgives. It is rooted in His love and it surpasses all understanding.
The disciples once learned a lesson about peace during an eventful boat ride. In Mark 4, they were crossing a lake with Jesus when a severe storm arose. The disciples feared for their lives, yet, among the chaos, Jesus slept calmly. When they woke Him, Jesus commanded the wind and the sea to “be still!” and there was peace. That is what He can do in our lives. Among our storms and our chaos, Jesus provides peace.You can experience this same sense of love and peace, too. All you have to do is ask for it.
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